how to make black sticky tape


500 black glutinous rice 
2 cups water 
2 grains yeast tape 
2 tablespoons powdered sugar (if necessary) 

How to Make: 

Black glutinous rice is washed, then soaked overnight because of sticky rice is quite hard so I'll not need to be soaked semalemnya difficult. Drain and steam until partially cooked just steamed, klo hard mending cook with a little water approximately setenga new eyes move to steamed.While steaming hot water 2 cups prepared. When was the hot sticky kepul-kepul, pour-flush with boiling water (a fixed position above the stove), stirring, stirring until all the sticky exposed to hot water.Continue steaming until cooked sticky rice. Lift the sticky rice in a tray or Tampah flatten a large rada.  Allow to cool completely. 

Roll out a layer of sticky rice in a medium-size container, sprinkle the yeast until blended. Sprinkle with powdered sugar to taste as well. (Without sugar also does not matter) because it will also sweet. 
Add another layer of sticky rice on top, put the yeast and caster sugar. Do so on until the material runs out. 

Cover tightly and let stand for 3 days 2 nights in a warm place. 
It is better to prepare a container such as a small or medium baskon, then given a banana leaf in a container last baskon new black rice yeast which has been placed in baskon yng was given mats of banana leaves, cover tightly kenudian such delicate rice wrap tightly. above can also be covered with cloth. 

Approximately 3hari day be opened, do not open until 2 or 3 days because the process can permentasinya terganngu, can also kiss of flavor, if the black sticky tape is so often the sign is so sweet so not to open before it is time enough to be kissed.

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