When I need you
You just go with
When you need me
I went with my dear person

I feel alive when disisimu
when you're gone I feel lonely
I want you to my side selamanaya

As a child

I often feel used by her maid. He always told me to do tasks such as sweeping the floor and mengepelnya every morning and evening. Every day, I was 'forced' to help her cook in the early morning before my father and my brothers up. 
Even after school, he will not let me play before all the homework taken care of. After eating, I had to wash the dishes, too cook and eat the other. Not infrequently I was annoyed with all the weight he gives to every time I do it always grouchy.

Rice Layer Cake Recipe

Rice Layer Cake Recipe Ingredients: 275 grams of rice flour 
75 grams of corn starch  
300 grams of granulated sugar  
950 ml coconut milk from 2 coconuts 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 pandan leaves, cut into 5 cm dye according to taste cooking oil to spread. 
How to Make Rice Cake:
Boil the coconut milk, salt and pandan leaves, let it be warm. Mix the rice flour, sago flour, pour the warm milk gradually while diuleni until sugar is dissolved and well blended coconut milk. Divide the dough into 3 parts to 3 colors. Prepare a 20 x 20 cm baking pan, spread with

For me my grandmother and my grandfather's father's mother

The story of a boy who does not want his parents, then children in the lef when he was aged 3 months and then the child was taken by his step-grandmother's grandmother, although it was not his biological grandmother but her affections than affection from parents nya.nenek it genuinely care for the child because the grandmother did not have children and grandchildren she lived with her husband and her husband also loved the child, the child eventually tumbuhbesar and he started school at the time the child ask his grandmother ask in exchange for new shoes because shoes are damaged but the grandmother did not have the money to buy these shoes and finally the boy's grandmother understands it now, these kids know that their parents are still there at that time his grandmother ever tell him, then the child his mother and father's house to ask in beliin baru.tiba shoes in the house the boy's story to his parents when he was in beliin want new shoes and his father said 'he was the father beliin new shoes tomorrow', the child feel good and happy, after that the child home with a happy heart, and the next day his son came home for his parents to collect his father's promise that would beliin new shoes for him and his father says fathers can not beliin new shoes for you because the money to buy shoes you have beliin father dress for your mother, and children are very disappointed with both parents perlakuaan against him, the boy hated his parents, and he went home and the same story about his grandparents, his parents are not keeping the promises made to buy new shoes him. grandmother was saddened to hear the story of the child, the old woman outside the home straight to borrow money for the neighbors, and children are invited to a figure of shoes, with a glad heart. The child was very fond of his grandparents,Long-kelemaan boy growing up and he started to work worked hard for his grandparents as a reciprocation because his grandparents had raised him full of mercy, and besides his grandfather was not working anymore because it was retired and his grandmother jg, then the child should seek money for the sake of his grandparents, and they lived happily roughing though, not in thought a few months later his grandmother fell ill in the array directly to the hospital right in the hospital three days meninggal.anak grandmother was very upset and he was unable to deal with all these trials He tried to make it all but do not forget bisa.dan grandfather advised him 'grandpa is still there after all the living must die'. a few months later the child may forget semuanya.dan him start a new life without a nenek.dan end he lived happily together his grandfather.
By: Ovi Erpinta


in the night sky filled with so much bintang.karena the stars just a point cahaya.matahariis one of the stars, but stars and the planets closest to the kita.bumi else in the solar system in orbit because the sun mengintari gravitasi.matahari style provides heat andlight is derived from the same process with the process of making weaponsnuklir.matahari is glowing ball of gas, which consists of hydrogen and helium and oflain.dalam core elements of hot and dense, grvitasi memanpaatkan hydrogen atoms,resulting in the heat of reaction and this dahsyat.energi light on the solar surface as arelease of energy radiasi.sumber that we use to generate power from the sun, for example: coal is the remains of ancient plants that store solar energy....

Why Love It

The voice could have gone with the wind
Flew to drown in the noise
He was wasted in the room that he never know
Longing .. exceeds a roaring ambition
a hope without realizing he wanted to release the
too sick to be on hold
why love has one vote
Love is not supposed to be inside you
love it shall not be a portion
Why should one choose love ...?

You always hurt ...


My friends Song of life's you Liver and steps that led slalu Where aklu go with my little world My friends A thousand obstacles challenging but I am still dihadapmu That's you taught me happiness Sacrifice and loyalty to the truth And you're too heavy and that taught me how precious life is Friend You are beautiful like the sun ... Inginku's you are always with you because ... Imaginable care of me when I fell asleep and You are giving love While I was awakened from sleep My best friend Precious ... How can I express myself How my quickness against you during this

how to make black sticky tape


500 black glutinous rice 
2 cups water 
2 grains yeast tape 
2 tablespoons powdered sugar (if necessary) 

How to Make: 

Black glutinous rice is washed, then soaked overnight because of sticky rice is quite hard so I'll not need to be soaked semalemnya difficult. Drain and steam until partially cooked just steamed, klo hard mending cook with a little water approximately setenga new eyes move to steamed.While steaming hot water 2 cups prepared. When was the hot sticky kepul-kepul, pour-flush with boiling water (a fixed position above the stove), stirring, stirring until all the sticky exposed to hot water.Continue steaming until cooked sticky rice. Lift the sticky rice in a tray or Tampah flatten a large rada.  Allow to cool completely. 

Roll out a layer of sticky rice in a medium-size container, sprinkle the yeast until blended. Sprinkle with powdered sugar to taste as well. (Without sugar also does not matter) because it will also sweet. 
Add another layer of sticky rice on top, put the yeast and caster sugar. Do so on until the material runs out. 

Cover tightly and let stand for 3 days 2 nights in a warm place. 
It is better to prepare a container such as a small or medium baskon, then given a banana leaf in a container last baskon new black rice yeast which has been placed in baskon yng was given mats of banana leaves, cover tightly kenudian such delicate rice wrap tightly. above can also be covered with cloth. 

Approximately 3hari day be opened, do not open until 2 or 3 days because the process can permentasinya terganngu, can also kiss of flavor, if the black sticky tape is so often the sign is so sweet so not to open before it is time enough to be kissed.

tugas 3 Material of Adjective and Relative Clause

Adjective Clause
An adjective clause is also called a relative clause or an adjectival clause. A clause is a group of words that have a subject and predicate. There are two kinds of clauses: independent and dependent. Independent clauses are sentences because they express a complete thought. Examples are: “The dog ran away.” and “Get the door.” In the second one, the subject is implied. To explain the function of an adjective clause, we will look at dependent clauses.

What Is an Adjective Clause

Adjectives clauses have a subject and a verb (or predicate). They will start with a relative pronoun, like: that, who, whom, whose, or which, or a relative adverb, like why, where, or when. Adjective clauses function as an adjective and modify nouns and pronouns. They are also called relative clauses. 
Just as the other dependent clauses, the adjective clause does not express a complete thought. It does not need commas separating it from the rest of the sentence if it has essential information in it; that is if you need the information it provides. If it gives additional information, then you use commas. A good way to test for this is to leave out the clause, read the sentence, and see if the meaning of the two sentences is different.
Here are some examples of adjective clauses. The adjective clause is underlined.
  • Chocolate, which many of us adore, is fattening.
  • People who are smart follow the rules.
  • I can remember the time when there were no computers.
  • Charlie has a friend whose daughter lives in China.
  • Wine that is produced in Tuscany is not cheap.


Since adjective clauses act like adjectives, you may want more information about adjectives. Some adjectives express the writer’s opinion of a noun or pronoun, like silly, lovely, awful, and outrageous. These are called opinion adjectives.
Some adjectives are descriptive, telling about the physical characteristics of size, shape, color, or age. Examples include: huge, wee, rectangular, oval, bluish, purple, new, and ancient.
An origin adjective tells where an object originated or where is came from. These are adjectives like: eastern, lunar, Egyptian, or German.
The composition of a noun or pronoun will be described by a material adjective.  Examples are: woolen, plastic, metal, or silk.
Some adjectives tell what purpose an object is used for. These many times end with an “ing.” Some examples include: baking, fishing, testing, or hunting. 
Lastly, some adjectives compare and have levels of comparison. These are words like: “good, better, best”, “dry, drier, driest”, and “beautiful, more beautiful, and most beautiful." Other adjectives compare but only on one level, like: unique, main, impossible, final, and inevitable.  

Recognize a relative clause when you see one.

A relative clause—also called an adjective or adjectival clause—will meet three requirements.
  • First, it will contain a subject and verb.
  • Next, it will begin with a relative pronoun [who, whom, whose, that, or which] or a relative adverb [when, where, or why].
  • Finally, it will function as an adjective, answering the questions What kind? How many? or Which one?
The relative clause will follow one of these two patterns:
relative pronoun or adverb + subject + verb
relative pronoun as subject + verb
Here are some examples:
Which Francine did not accept
Which = relative pronoun; Francine = subject; did accept = verb [not, an adverb, is not officially part of the verb].
Where George found Amazing Spider-Man #96 in fair condition
Where = relative adverb; George = subject; found = verb.
That dangled from the one clean bathroom towel
That = relative pronoun functioning as subject; dangled = verb.
Who continued to play video games until his eyes were blurry with fatigue
Who = relative pronoun functioning as subject; played = verb.


The relative pronoun introducing a subordinate adjective clause may be omitted from the clause when the relative pronoun does not function as the subject of the clause. In these constructions of omission, the pronoun is understood to be in the clause though it is not physically present. However, when the relative pronoun functions as the subject of the subordinate adjective clause, it may not be omitted from the clause. Its presence is necessary to serve as subject of the clause.

Whether to introduce a subordinate adjective clause using a relative pronoun has other considerations, too. Examples of elliptical relative pronouns follow, with pronouns in brackets to indicate their omission.
The things [that] we know best are the things [that] we were not taught.


A relative adverb introduces a subordinate adjective clause. Occasionally a subordinate adjective clause is introduced by a relative adverb: where, when, or why. The word relative within the context of grammar describes a word that refers or relates to another word or phrase within a sentence. This word or phrase of reference is called the antecedent. A relative adverb introduces a subordinate adjective clause which modifies an antecedent noun or pronoun located in the main sentence clause. Although the entire clause introduced by a relative adverb is adjectival, and functions to modify a noun or pronoun in the main sentence clause, the relative adverb itself modifies a verb within its own clause.

Choosing which relative adverb to introduce a subordinate adjective clause is determined by the noun or pronoun antecedent.

To modify a noun of place (space):
To modify a noun of time (duration):
To modify a noun of reason (cause and/or effect):

Example of adjective clause :
1.         He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead.

2.         - Andi has a motorcycle
            - It is look very old
Andi has a motorcycle which look is very old.
3.         - The car hit Rama
- The car has a blue colour
The car that hit Rama has a blue colour

4.    - My friend messaged me
- They stand in front of the door
The people who messaged me in front of the door are my friend
5.    -  My mother called me
- She ask about the news
The person whom called me to ask about the news is my mother
6.    - The driver out of motorcycle before accident
- The car has been destroyed
The car whose driver out of motorcycle before accident has been destroyed
7.         Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh.
8.         This morning he fought with a little guy who was his best friend.

Questions and Answers of the excercises :
1.    Q . I talked to the woman she was sitting next to me
A . I talked to the woman who was sitting next to me 
2.    Q . I have a class it begins at 08.00 Am
A . I have a class which begins at 08.00 Am
3.    Q . The man called the police his car was stolen
A . The man whose car was stolen called the police
4.    Q . The building is very old he lives there
A . The building where he lives is very old
5.    Q . The woman was ms Silvy I saw her
A . The woman whom I saw was ms Silvy


The Miser
A miser sold everything he had and bought a lump of gold. Then, he buried it in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall. He went to look at his buried gold daily.
One of his workmen observed his frequent visits to the spot and decided to take a look. He discovered the hidden treasure and stole it. On his next visit, the Miser found that his gold is gone and he began to tear his hair and cry hysterically.
One of his neighbors saw him overcome with grief and learning the cause. Then, the neighbor said "Don't be sad. Just take a stone and burry it there as if it is your gold. It will be just the same because when your gold was there, you did not make the slightest use of it."